Dementia Care

We’re here to help

Helping someone you love to cope with the challenges that come with dementia and memory loss can be exhausting, upsetting and isolating. But GPAHRC is here to offer practical support, advice and reassurance. We can provide professional and fully trained care assistants for day care at home as little or as often as you need it, as well as respite care and live-in care.

We also have plenty of experience to share with you, enabling you to feel better equipped to deal with any situation that might arise. We can let you know about useful outside resources too, including details of support networks and local dementia groups that you and your loved one might find helpful.

Familiarity, regular routines and being cared for at home can slow the progression of many common dementia symptoms. Gone are the days when the only option facing someone living with a progressed form of dementia was residential care.